Easy, Versatile, and Practical Decoration Ideas for Blank Walls

Blank walls can feel like glaring holes in your home, but what’s even worse is a wall that you wish was blank. There’s a lot of decoration options that separate these two polar alternatives, but sometimes, when different tastes and the overall style of the place come into play, it doesn’t feel anything like it.

To help you fill your blank walls, whether they happen to be in Sea Pines homes for sale or your permanent home on the other side of the world, here’s a number of versatile ideas to get you started.

A Cluster of Colorful Baskets

This is a great idea for almost as many reasons as there are variations of it, which is actually the first reason.

From a strictly aesthetic point, it’s quite unusual and can also be very colorful. Assembling a cluster of baskets is also easy to do and can be done in a nick of time. It’s a very cheap option as well, and more importantly, it’s the tasteful kind of cheap.

On top of that, for the DIY lovers, opting for a cluster of baskets entails an incentive to weave them yourself and gain some extra sense of satisfaction.

Giant Letters

You’ve probably noticed how many iconic brands’ logos are nothing but a couple of initials, sometimes even completely unadorned. This is because there is something simple and stylish about this option, as long as it fits the designated space. If there are certain letters of particular significance to you, like the first letters of your children’s names, for example, there is certainly a lot that can be with this.

Layered or overlapping letters is a great way to add some sense of artistry if plain letters are a little too straightforward for your taste.


This is a no-brainer for the hat collectors out there. There are virtually no rules here, although that doesn’t go to say there are no guidelines.

At the very least, you should try to maintain a consistent theme in each room. Maybe you collect Hard Rock Café hats – it definitely makes more sense to have them all in one place rather than to mix them with sombreros, for example. Then again, a theme can be a relatively abstract concept, so who’s to say there’s no connection between the aforementioned types of hats.

The Rule of Three

The rule of three applies to many aspects of life, including your blank walls.

Maybe you’ve collected some interesting items along your travels, like woven screens, thematically connected artwork, or again hats and baskets – if you have a few of them, try how a combination of three feels on your wall. If it makes for a sense of completion, then you’ve hit the jackpot. But it’s entirely possible that three of a kind just looks boring, straight-up weird, or busy, so the rule of three is not to be followed blindly.

Ceramic Plates

Ceramic plates are a very stylish embellishment of blank walls, one that you probably won’t see very often, especially in the unique and personal configuration you can assemble.

They mix very well with print artwork, creating a beautiful synergy between the two elements’ craft-like appeal and vibe.

A Quaint Cabinet

A quaint cabinet is a beautiful intersection of aesthetics and practicality. Plus, it’s almost like a blank wall in itself. You can play around with its paint, draw on it, place stickers, and a myriad of other things, limited only by your own personal taste.

A Big Mirror

As you may know from bars, big mirrors create the illusion of extra space, because the reflection basically makes a room seem doable.

On top of that, mirrors vary tremendously, and you can have a lot of fun with choosing one that augments your place in the perfect way.

Minimalistic Bookshelves

This is an option for those whose minds don’t exactly get flooded with excitement at the sight of a blank wall, which is precisely why it’s just as important as the others.

Minimalistic bookshelves are not only a great way to kill two birds with one stone – filling a blank wall and storing some books – but also to stay true to yourself while doing so. There’s no point in trying to use your wall to make a fashion statement when all you want to state is that you don’t like your walls blank.

With this diverse and practical sample of decoration options, blank walls will look more like blank canvases rather than black holes.