Automation, Your Home and The Benefits That Come With It

A relatively unfamiliar idea, home automation has come up recently, and homeowners are considering upgrading their homes. Home automation also known as domotics is putting the control of home appliances to the homeowners remotely. This futuristic technology allows you to control your lighting, temperature and security systems from your smartphone or tablet simply by tapping your screen, voice activation of swiping your finger. With this technology now available many benefits can be derived from home automation including:


Perhaps one of the greatest benefits of a computerized system is having automated door locks and alarm systems. Should you leave your home for work and forget to lock your door. You can lock it right from an app on your smartphone. Alarm systems are also set to go off if any intruders come close to your house perimeter. Home alarm systems combined with home automation do a great deal in fending of intruders now that the FBI estimates that a break in takes place every 13 seconds in the U.S.


It reaches a point where you have to be away from home, and your neighbors don’t take good care of your home when you tell them to. Home automation brings the convenience of controlling your home, especially while you are away. You will still be able to feed the dog, water the plants or deliver mail which comes at a great relief for many homeowners.

Energy Efficient

By powering off appliances that are not in use remotely, automated systems also contribute to saving energy. Nimble control over home appliances also gives the homeowner insight and guidance on how to best control energy efficiently. This, in the long run, will also save on your monthly utility bill.

Safety Through Appliance Control

Automation adds safety for your family at home. Since you can control home appliances like the iron box, the oven and lights you can always check if the kids have turned them off after use. This could save your home from unforeseen electrical accidents. Aside from turning lights off to save electricity, you can also turn them on to look like you are home if need be.

Peace of Mind

Have you ever gone to work and you are never sure if you locked your door or turned off the lights? The feeling keeps bugging you all day and is stuck at the back of your mind like a leech. Well, you need an automated home system. Although it comes with a hidden package that is not written, you will never have to worry whether you turned off the lights, or locked the door. Homeowners who are obsessed with keeping things in order will find this subtle addition quite handy.