5 Reasons Why Adding Essential Oils To Food Is Beneficial

Many people have asked: Is it safe to consume essential oils? The answer is yes — but sparingly. After all, there are trace essential oils in many of the foods we already consume regularly — nuts are a common example. The trick, when it comes to cooking with essential oils, is to use them with discretion and safety When used properly, essential oils such as doterra product are greatly beneficial to your health. The FDA offers a  list of the oils listed as GRAS (Generally Recognized as Safe). However, the GRAS list is only one way to show essential oils are safe for internal consumption.

Here, I’ll list several examples of oils that can be safely added to your next recipe, and why you should use them.

1. Peppermint

You likely already know that peppermint is great for reducing nausea. Add a drop to your famous chicken noodle soup the next time someone has an upset stomach. It’ll clear airways, too.

2. Grapefruit

This powerhouse is known to support metabolism, which can come in handy if you share your home with an elderly relative. Mix it into the salad dressing, and they’ll be asking for seconds when it comes time for the main course.

3. Lemon

There’ll be less waste if you use essential oil of lemon rather than the whole fruit when it comes to marinades and dressings. Only a drop or two is needed to get that distinctly tart flavor. It works best if combined with another oil, such as olive or canola, rather than “diluting” the oil in water (which wouldn’t taste as good anyway). Interestingly enough, lemon oil has both energizing and calming effects, so there’s something for everyone.

4. Lavender

This is a well-known stress reliever, and would be at home in comfort-food dishes such as meatloaf and roast chicken. Lavender has also been successful in helping with head tension.

5. Nutmeg

It’s not just for eggnog anymore: Nutmeg has been known to help with many health issues. Its warm, spicy aroma is welcome in a variety of baked goods, especially those flavored with pumpkin or maple.

In short, it’s easy to make cooking with essential oils a part of your regular routine — and your body and household will both be thanking you for it.



The Prairie Homestead