What A Better Way to Integrate EdTech

The advancement of technology has come with some disadvantages with the core being deeply rooted in the fact that it can serve as a distraction. There are ongoing debates about the application of technology in education. One camp insists that students will be easily distracted if they use EdTech tools freely in the class while another camp says that these tools can be used strategically to boost the productivity of students. This way, the number of students who post search queries “I need someone to write my paper,” “I am looking for homework help,” etc., will reduce. Both camps have some solid points. Technology can be a distraction in the classroom when it is not adequately integrated. So, what is the best way for educators to integrate technology?

How To Integrate EdTech Efficiently

  1. Teachers Need To Shift From Traditional Methods

Most teachers don’t buy the idea of using EdTech devices in the classroom setting because it goes against the single-board system. Before the technology can be successfully integrated into the classroom, teachers need to be guided through the gradual shift. It doesn’t need to be a revolution. Teachers can attend events that enlighten them on how technology can be used to improve the learning process. Demonstrations and case studies need to be referred to as teachers can be won over with empirical data.

  1. Introduce Digital Backchannels

Using digital backchannels involves using connected computers to promote real-time online conversions in the classroom. Everyone who is part of the connection will see any message or remark that is made by the teacher or other students. Backchannels can also be used when the teacher has to conduct an online lecture or wants students to take part in a conference. With backchannels, students who don’t usually participate in the classroom will be interested in doing so. It increases student engagement significantly. Students will have links to online resources when they need them. The intercommunication in the classroom can be converted to productive communications rather than distractions.

  1. Go Virtual With Google Expeditions

The knowledge that is acquired through experience can stick to memory more efficiently than the knowledge that is read in the text. Teachers can use virtual and augmented reality to give their students a better understanding of various concepts. Using Google Expeditions, teachers can create several virtual worlds that can be accessed by students directly in the classroom. Rather than traveling hundreds of miles to see something, they can get a quick and realistic view when teachers create tours through Google Expeditions. The good thing is that you don’t need to wait for your school to buy all the fancy virtual reality equipment. Using Google Cardboard and a smartphone, you can give your students the VR experience.

  1. Track Participation With Equity Maps

Every student isn’t going to progress at the same pace; similarly, every student isn’t going to participate at the same time. As a teacher, you can use equity maps to keep track of student participation. With this EdTech tool, you’ll be able to provide streamlined teaching experience for students who don’t participate with the rest of the class, and students who need help. When a teacher is fully aware of everything that is happening in the classroom, it would be easier to create a targeted learning experience that attends the needs of every student in your class.

  1. Show Essay Insights With ProWritingAid

Writing tools are effective because they allow the students to access insight without any fear. Encourage your students to use this application to dive into the quality of their work. From small errors like spacing errors to complex errors like passive voice and overuse of clichés, this application and many others like this can help students improve their writing skills.

Bottom Line

Being a teacher is more than a career; it’s a service to society. There is no shame in embracing change if it is going to enhance the teaching and learning process in the classroom.