Enhance your Research Paper Writing Skills

You have been assigned a lengthy research paper on a topic that you do not have much knowledge about. The panic begins to settle in, and you become anxious that you will never pull this out. Take a deep breath and think that a research paper is not the end of the world. Even if it’s your first paper or your 25th, the struggle is the same. You still have to do a research and to find out as much as you can about the given topic, clear your mind and create an outline that you will follow.

Enhance your Research Paper Writing Skills

It’s not rocket science, and you do not have to beg around continuously saying ‘write my research paper‘ to anyone you meet. A research paper will teach you how to become more focused, how to express your ideas using authoritative arguments and how to pay attention to details. If you do not know where to look for help, you should know that the internet is your answer. No, we are talking about the essays that you can find there and copy them, but the online tools that you can use to make your job easier.

1. Small SEO Tools

This site has several very useful tools that you can use to write your research paper, such as plagiarism checker to make sure you do not accidentally use a source without you realizing it, a spell and grammar checker, a word count tool and much more.

2. Encyclopedia

You do not have to buy research paper just because you are frustrated you cannot find trusted reference information. With Encyclopedia, you have anything you need one click away…or several clicks. You will get valuable resources from trusted dictionaries, thesauruses, and encyclopedias. When you find materials that you want to use, Encyclopedia will enable you to get an instant citation.

3. Simplenote

Every research essay starts with a detailed outline and planning, with this app you can track your ideas and thoughts on the go. You can write down notes anywhere you are and then find them thanks to the tags you attach to them, such as introduction, para 1, para 2, conclusion, etc.

4. iA Writer

If you need help with research paper, iA Writer is what you need. This is an iPad app that let you write keeping you away from any distractions. You will be much more focused and efficient in writing and editing your paper. And you will not worry about losing your work because everything will be automatically synced to iCloud and Dropbox.

5. GoParaphrase

Paraphrasing is crucial when you write a research paper. You are instructed to use other authors’, scientists’ and experts’ ideas and writings, but if do not do it correctly you might be accused of plagiarism. Simply paste the text you want to use in GoParaphrase and it will paraphrase for you.

6. Cite It in

Another tool to use for your citations is Cite It in. Simply write the source that you use and the tool will give you instantly a correct citation.

7. CalmlyWriter

When you need some distraction-free writing time, CalmlyWriter is your friend. You will have a minimal blank space in your browser to work for your paper, but you can still insert images if you need or format your content using markdown. If you want the online experience with extra features, you can buy the premium desktop app.

8. Quabel

With Quabel you can create an account and save your work online. You can save multiple documents, and it also provides a distraction-free interface for you to write. You can also switch to night mode and write on a black background if this suits you better.

9. Wordcounter

Wordcounter is a tool which rates the frequency of words that you sue in your essay. It is great if you want to avoid redundancy and repetition in your paper. With Wordcounter you can see the words that you overuse.

10. Hemingway App

The Hemingway App is great if you want to assign a readability score to your writing. Just paste your text into the app, and it will highlight sentences or phrases that are hard to read, as well as phrases in the passive voice, adverbs, and words that can be simpler.  Use the app if you want to increase the readability of your essay.

You do not have to worry anymore.  Now you have the perfect tools to use; you can create the perfect research paper that will meet your professors’ expectations. Now you will not have to walk around asking your friends or colleague ‘do my research paper .’  Now you can write and research with no obstacles. Use your knowledge, imagination and these tools, find the right environment to write and go for it!